Pratyaksha Dhall
4 min readSep 10, 2020


You are the universe, expressing itself as humans for a little while.- Eckhart Toll

The universe has the most multi-layered secrets one could never reach to the bottom of. And I find that refreshing. The topic of spirituality walks off from all sorts of religious traditions and the faith of people. Out there are people who have experienced it and they believe in it. Some of us are trying to outrun from their darkness and entering into a new light. We human beings are weird and twisted creatures.

We have a short life to live yet a long one. Following the principle of nature, we take birth in this beautiful nature, we become young enjoy our lives and then we go back to where we came from. If we dive deep into the insights what happens is only our body that is also called the materialistic form goes away; what we say ‘death’. This isn’t the same for souls. Souls are immortal they have no physical form initially until they enter into a body. The souls live in an astral plane where they travel and travel to take new physical forms.

The non-physical embodiment takes a new form, make new relations, and live a new life. Till the time they are into the human body, they get attached to the body but the connection varies from the time they have stayed until death does them apart. An infant’s soul has less time to know the body thus it has no attachment towards it and it is easier to detach. At the time of youth and parenting the soul is in the utmost position of attachment as it has seen the body go through from thick and thin, justifying the attachment. When the body gets old, ill, soggy, and ready to leave, the soul is again free from all forces of attachment from the body as it is now time to move on.

When we reincarnate certain things stick with us like, our soul gets wise and spiritual as our soul starts to get older. We are here for a reason, and lessons are needed to be learned if not once they will be repeated in the next life too until they are significantly learned. All the answers lie inside of you. So it all starts from nature, with an open mind to dig down the secrets for healing.

How far do we remember? Even if our conscious mind doesn’t remember it but our subconscious does. It acts as a hard drive for our life. Everything we say, hear, see, or feel. Our subconscious remembers it all. People say, “If you have lived before, why can’t you remember it?” Can you imagine if you have stored everything in your conscious mind, to be knowing and living with the fact that death doesn’t make life stop? It goes on and on even after that. Believing in the afterlife is one thing and knowing every second of it is another. This is why regression has been in use with psychotherapy patients to know things about their past life if they want to. If they want to heal from things that don’t make sense.

As the soul travels through time our past lives travel along with it. Science didn’t believe in regression until the time there were doctors who started experimenting with it. When the soul travels it takes all the life/memories of the previous lives lived, traumas suffered, how they died in that particular life, and even the happy moments. As and when we move on to a next materialistic physical form, even though it’s a new start and new life but the soul has suffered, it has scars and wounds, it has patches of happiness and moments of joy. This is where regression kicks in.

People have been suffering from problems that they didn’t ask for in the first place, the reasons behind them are not always medical. Let me give you an example, a girl named Erica has hydrophobia in her current, there isn’t any cure for it, is there? After her regression therapy when she meditated, she got to know in her previous life about three lives ago she used to live in India. She had a newborn but as she lived on the coast their village was hit by a tsunami. This resulted in her and her newborn’s death, the trauma stuck to her head for three lives. She had three lives before suffering from hydrophobia. She got to know the real reason for her trauma. After knowing this in her current life, it was noticed after some time, her hydrophobia recovered. This is the healing power of regression.



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